+7 (812) 245-67-07

About company

"Lartech" company is a member of the national Association of Internet market participants, as well as in the world association LoRa Alliance and successfully develops the LPWAN standard in Russia.

"Lartech" is an operator in the market of data transmission services in the Internet of Things. The basis for the provision of services is:

Our own R & D service, consisting of more than 20 leading analysts and developers, not only ensures the continuous development of network infrastructure, but also successfully solves the issues of integrating various equipment into the network, reducing the costs of our partners and connectivity customers.

Our mission is to provide a quality service for the transfer of information anywhere in the Russian Federation

The company is actively developing the geography of its presence, constantly expanding the coverage of the network, establishing active cooperation with manufacturers, integrators, service organizations.


Phone number: +7 (812) 245-67-07

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

197022, Russia, St. Petersburg, Karpovka River embankment, 5 litera P