«Lartech» receives many requests from various organizations and developers to provide information related to the implementation of LPWAN technology and the development of devices with wireless data transmission based on LoRa technology.
In this regard, we released the «LPWAN Device Developer's Guide», which covers a large number of questions and contains numerous useful materials that will help developers.
The LPWAN Device Developer's Guide has been prepared by Lartech and contains a description of the LPWAN environment and the structure of wireless networks. The purpose of this manual is to provide useful information to developers using LPWAN technology for connecting sensors and actuators to their applications for the Internet of things. Among the issues to be covered, such as the selection of a hardware platform, the selection of antennas, integration issues, software development, and much more.
Step 1.
Purchase of radio modules and gateway LPWAN
Step 2.
Create an account with lar.cloud
Step 3.
Device tests on the LPWAN network